Legendary Golf Clubhouses is certainly a niche book! However, anyone with an interest in architecdture, golf course architecture or golf courses will appreciate it.

Although golf predates the existence of a clubhouse by hundreds of years, the R&A clubhouse at The Old Course - St Andrews was the first in the 19th century.

The book focuses on clubhouses in America and Great Britain. St Andrews and Augusta book-end the chronological development of clubhouses and the book.

Great Britain's chosen and featured Legendary Golf Clubhouses include:

Beaconsfield Golf Club
Blairgowrie Golf Club
Formby Golf Club
Loch Lomond Golf Club
Muirfield (HCEG)
Musselburgh Old Course
Rolls of Monmouth Golf Club
R&A Golf Club of St Andrews
Royal Birkdale Golf Club
Royal Blackheath Golf Club
Royal Liverpool Golf Club
Royal Lytham & St Annes Golf Club
St George's Hill Golf Club
Stoke Park
Sunningdale Golf Club

The dust jacket explains the book is designed to explore the inner sanctums of golf's hallowed halls with 45 examples of architecturally significant buildings.

You want unfettered access to the inner sactums of golf's most prestigous clubs.