Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club

Just south of Prestwick is another course laid out by the same fella who tweaked Old Tom's design next door.

Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club

Ayrshire, KA9 1SN, Scotland


The Salt Pan buildings make an appearance early in the round, just behind the 1st green. Dating to 1790, these buildings were used to extract salt from the seawater a few yards away.

The course has its own freshwater supply - the disused quarry between the 7th and 8th holes. The quarry ceased to operate in 1870 but still provides a valuable resource to the club today!

Andrew Strath, 1865 Open Champion, is buried nearby St Nicholas Churchyard.

Course Review
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Golf Course Review

Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club is the next links north of Trump Turnberry on the Ayrshire coastline. There are stunning views of The Heads of Ayr, Ailsa Crag, and Isle of Arran afforded from the links.

Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club History

Sandwiched between Turnberry and Prestwick Old, the origin of the club dates to 1851 and the Old Course up the Ayr to Glasgow railway line where the founding members once played.

Prestwick St Nicholas began as The Prestwick Mechanics Club, of which Old Tom Morris was a member. In fact, just a 15 minute walk away from Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club is Old Tom Morris' former residence. It is now a Boots Pharmacy, the high street address is 8 The Cross, Prestwick KA9 1AJ.

The name was changed to Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club in July of 1858. In 1863, the club built their own clubhouse, and in 1892, their own golf links. Charlie Hunter, a former member, and Captain laid out the course with the aid of then professional, John Allan.

Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Course

The course could be considered short by some stretching to just barely 6000 yards. The course does have teeth, however, with out of bounds coming into play on 12 holes!

The Outward Nine is unique with a solitary one-shot hole at the 2nd and the rest being of the two-shot variety. There is a variety in their character and length, ranging from 281 yards to 454 yards.

The Inward Nine begins with a Par 3-5-3 sequence before a string of two-shot holes ends with the Par 3 home hole.

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Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club - Videos

Official flyover of prestwick st nicholas golf club

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the average golfer reviews prestwick st nicholas

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At A Glance


  • Hunter, Charles
  • Allan, John


Short Game


Course Next Door Collection
Best Scottish Golf Collection

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Ayrshire, KA9 1SN, Scotland
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